Peter Ragosta, BPharm, RPh
Project Lead, Pharmacy and Compounding
Peter Ragosta is Chief Administrative Officer/Executive Director for the Rhode Island Board of Pharmacy. With over 35 years as a registered pharmacist, Peter has practiced pharmacy and held leadership roles in both retail and institutional pharmacy. His lengthy career in pharmacy operations and time as a regulator make him well-versed in state and federal laws/regulations in areas of general, specialty, and compounding pharmacy. He is a subject matter expert on standards for drug compounding established by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and pharmacy law.
Peter formed PharmClear LLC in 2018 and partners with RSG where he advises pharmacies seeking to achieve and maintain the highest regulatory compliance standards at state and federal levels. He remains engaged at his alma mater, the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy, where he was an advisor to the former Dean.